French Bulldog Breed Standard
The emphasis is on Health, welfare and soundness. Health first and then Breed qualities.
GENERAL APPEARANCE Sturdy, compact, solid small dog with good bone. Short, smooth coat. No point exaggerated, balance essential. Dogs showing respiratory distress highly undesirable.
CHARACTERISTICS Full of courage, yet with clown-like qualities. Bat ears and short tail characteristic features of the breed.
TEMPERAMENT Vivacious, deeply affectionate, intelligent.
HEAD AND SKULL Head square in appearance and in proportion to dog’s size. Skull nearly flat between ears, domed forehead. The skin covering the skull and forehead should be supple enough to allow the dog to show facial expression.
Well defined muzzle, broad, deep and set back. Muscles of cheek well developed. Stop well defined. Lower jaw deep, square, broad, slightly undershot and turned up.
Nose black and wide, relatively short, with open nostrils and line between well defined. Lips black, thick, meeting each other in centre, completely hiding teeth. Upper lip covers lower on each side with plenty of cushion, never so exaggerated as to hang too much below level of jaw.
EYES Preferably dark and matching. Moderate size, round, neither sunken nor prominent, showing no white when looking straight forward; set relatively wide apart and on same level as the stop.
EARS “Bat ears” of medium size, wide at base, rounded at top; set high, carried upright and parallel, a sufficient width of skull preventing them being too close together; skin soft and fine, orifice as seen from the front, showing entirely. The opening to the ear canal should be wide and open.
MOUTH Slightly undershot. Teeth sound and regular, but not visible when the mouth is closed. Tongue must not protrude.
NECK Powerful, well arched and thick, of moderate length.
BODY Cobby, muscular and well rounded with deep wide brisket and ribs well sprung. Strong, gently roached back. Good “cut up”. The body while broader at the shoulders should narrow slightly beyond the ribs to give definition to the relatively short, thick, strong, muscular loin.
FOREQUARTERS Legs set wide apart, straight boned, strong, muscular and short.
HINDQUARTERS Legs strong, muscular and relatively longer than forelegs with moderate angulation. Absolute soundness essential. Hocks well let down.
FEET Small. Compact and placed in continuation of line of leg, with absolutely sound pasterns. Hind feet rather longer than fore-feet. Toes compact, well knuckled; nails short, thick, preferably black.
TAIL Undocked, short, set low, thick at root, tapering quickly towards tip, preferably straight and long enough to cover anus, never curling over back nor carried gaily.
GAIT/MOVEMENT Free and flowing. Soundness of movement of the utmost importance.
COAT Texture fine, smooth, lustrous, short and close
COLOUR Brindle, pied or fawn. Tan, mouse and grey/blue highly undesirable.
BRINDLE – a mixture of black and coloured hairs. May contain white providing brindle predominates.
PIED – white predominates over brindle. Whites are classified with pieds for show purposes, but their eyelashes and eye rims should be black. In pieds the white should be clear with definite brindle patches and no ticking or black spots.
FAWN – may contain brindle hairs but must have black eye lashes and eye rims.
To All French Bulldog Breed Clubs 8 January 2015
At its recent meeting the Committee reconsidered the proposed amendment to the Breed Standard colour clause, noting correspondence from one of the breed clubs regarding the listing of ‘Fawn Pied’ as a separate colour. Whilst the club’s concerns were appreciated, the Committee agreed that the wording as previously advised gave a clear, strong message about the accepted colours in the breed. Also, the other two breed clubs had confirmed their support for the proposed wording.
The amendment as follows is now being processed, to become effective from 1 February 2015.
Colour The only four correct colours are: Brindle; Fawn; Brindle Pied; Fawn Pied.
Brindle – Colour pattern caused by a mixture of black hairs and fawn hairs. White markings permitted provided that brindle predominates.
Fawn – Clear, self-coloured fawn with or without a black mask. White markings permitted, provided that fawn predominates. Cream and red shades less desirable.
Brindle Pied – White predominates with brindle patches. [The brindle as defined above].
Fawn Pied – White predominates with fawn patches.
Any white should be clear with no ticking or spots.
Nose, eye rims and eyelashes black in all colours.
All other colours highly undesirable, including solid black, black and white, black and tan, mouse, grey/blue, liver/chocolate and all patterns of these colours (see Introductory Paragraph).
SIZE Ideal weight for dogs 12.5 kgs (28 lbs). Ideal weight for bitches 11 kgs (24 lbs). Soundness not to be sacrificed to smallness.
FAULTS Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect on the health and welfare of the dog.
NB Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
Boston Terrier Breed Standard
Courtesy of The Kennel Club
General Appearance Smooth-coated, relatively short-headed, compactly built, short-tailed, well balanced dog of medium size, brindle in colour, evenly marked with white. Body rather short and well knit; limbs strong and neatly turned; tail short and no feature so prominent that the dog appears badly proportioned. Dog must convey an impression of determination, strength and activity, with style of a high order; carriage easy and graceful
Characteristics Lively and intelligent
Temperament Determined and strong willed
Head and Skull Skull square in appearance, flat on top, free from wrinkles; cheeks flat; brow abrupt, stop well defined. Muzzle relatively short, square, wide and deep with no tendency to taper and in proportion to skull; free from wrinkles; shorter in length than in width and depth, approximately one-third of length of skull; width and depth carried out well to end; muzzle from stop to end of nose on a line parallel to top of skull; nose black, wide with well defined line between nostrils. Jaws broad and square. Flews of good depth, not pendulous, completely covering teeth when mouth closed. Head in proportion to size of dog
Eyes Wide apart, round and not too large, dark in colour; expression alert, kind and intelligent. Eyes set square in skull, outside corners on a line with cheeks when viewed from front
Ears Carried erect; small, thin, situated as near corner of skull as possible
Mouth Teeth short and regular, bite even, or sufficiently undershot to square muzzle
Neck Of fair length, slightly arched, carrying head gracefully; neatly set into shoulders
Forequarters Shoulders sloping, legs set moderately wide apart on line with point of shoulders; straight in bone and well muscled; pasterns short and strong. Elbows turning neither in nor out
Body Deep with good width of chest; back short; ribs deep and well sprung, carried well back to loins; loins short and muscular; rump curving slightly to set-on of tail; flank very slightly cut up; body appears short but not chunky
Hindquarters Legs set true, good turn of stifle, hocks well let down; turning neither in nor out; thighs strong and well muscled
Feet Round, small, compact, turning neither in nor out; toes well arched
Tail Set on low; short, fine, tapering, straight or curled; devoid of fringes or coarse hair, never carried above horizontal
Gait/Movement Easy and graceful. Sure-footed straight-gaited, forelegs and hindlegs moving straight ahead with perfect rhythm. Each step indicating grace and power
Coat Short, smooth, lustrous and fine in texture
Colour Brindle with white markings; brindle must show throughout body distinctly; black with white markings but brindles with white markings preferred. Ideal markings: white muzzle, even white blaze over head, collar, breast, part or whole of forelegs, and hindlegs below hocks
Size Weight not exceeding 11.5 kgs (25 lbs) divided by classes as follows: Lightweight: under 6.8 kgs (15 lbs); Middleweight: 6.8 kgs (15 lbs) and under 9.1 kgs (20 lbs); Heavyweight: 9.1 kgs (20 lbs) and under 11.4 kgs (25 lbs)
Faults Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog
Note Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum
Rare/Fault colours in Boston Terriers - Please read the Breed Standard with regard to the correct colours in the Boston Terrier
Colour Brindle with white markings, brindle must show throughout body distinctly, black with white markings but brindles with white markings preferred. Ideal markings: white muzzle, even white blaze over head, collar, breast, part or whole of forelegs and hind legs below hocks’
The Boston Terrier is not recognised in Red/Blue without Brindle markings
Unethical Breeders are promoting these colours as RARE
Don’t be fooled into purchasing one of these puppies. It could cost you dearly in the long run due to health issues.
Please find a reputable knowledgeable breeder who will help advise you in your hunt for a healthy Boston Puppy.
No responsible & ethical breeder will ever breed these colours intentionally